After the unexpected occurrence of COVID-19, lives have changed a lot for both adults and children. People depend more on technology during COVID, which almost ruined our schedules and physical and mental health.
And the good part of COVID is that it brings people close together with their family and friends. By staying at home, most people waste so much extra time when they can utilize this time for learning and discovering new hobbies, jobs, talents, and capabilities and maintaining their lifestyle.
However, massive options are available on different streaming platforms, and it is undoubtedly appealing to everyone to spend their time and hours watching their favorite movies or series. Moreover, it is essential to achieve healthy habits and set boundaries on screen time.
In this blog, we will dig deep into the facts on how many hours of shows you should watch in a week to hit a balanced lifestyle between productivity and entertainment.
According to a report, around 4.5 hours per day is the average time that American spends watching TV. which means in a week, they spend 31.5 hours, which is equal to a full-time job. This much time spent on TV brings a dull and inactivity lifestyle, disturbs your sleep schedule, and harms you mentally.
The American Heart Association suggested exercising a minimum of 150 minutes per week, which is equivalent to 2.5 hours. If you waste all your leisure time watching TV shows, you might be lacking in vital physical activities, which can have the opposite effect on your health in the long term.
You must also consider watching how much time you lose your productivity by watching shows for an extended period. Commonly, people nag about lack of time, yet in the next few hours, they are ready to binge on their favorite shows that will not be helpful for them. It can be a way to escape boredom or relaxation, but it should not outshine other essential parts of life.
Time is a precious asset, and after it is gone, it cannot come back. And therefore, it is important to utilize your time effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals.
A question arises here how many hours of shows you should watch in a week? There is no fixed answer to this question. Furthermore, there is a time limit for screening TV, a maximum of 14 hours or less per week. It is a reasonable range of entertainment that leave enough time for other productivity.
Here are some tips to improve and maintain healthy TV-watching habits:
1. Planning
Like any other activity, you should know how much time you will spend watchin TV. It is best to plan your week. Make a chart and mark those blocks which are available for this activity.
However, it should be extended at most 2 hours per day, and if feasible, you should do this after completing essential tasks, such as school work.
2. Decide wisely
With several shows to select from, it will help you to decide carefully and be selective about what you stream. Always consider shows that match your likes or work as an educational aid.
Streaming shows that add value to your life will justify the time that you spend on screening. Streaming apps like Disney+ and Apple TV many more have massive topics from health to entertainment.
Ensure that streaming apps in your country have all content available; for that, you need to get subscriptions; otherwise, you can search for how to watch Hulu Ireland with VPN.
3. Avoid multitasking
Multitasking can affect your productivity while watching shows and destroy entertainment time. It is essential to give time to everything simultaneously. If you watch a show, pay attention to the theme or story. It advances the watching experience and lowers the time that is spent on watching.
4. Break
Watching TV for a long time have an opposite and harmful effect on your physical and mental health. It is vital to take regular rest like stretching or moving around, and give your eyes time for resting to prevent an inactive lifestyle. Breaks can relax your mind and reset it for good concentration.
5. Be mindful
Always take care of how much time you spend watching TV it is a way of relaxation, but you should be mindful too. it is a very delicate thing that even children can get lost in a streaming world, and before you realize it, hours have passed. Setting boundaries and concern about your time spending will help set healthy habits and prevent you from overindulgence.
To conclude, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and set boundaries for screening. Spending too much time on screening be harmful for both adults and children. It can disrupt your sleep. You will be unfit physically and mentally. 14 hours of screening is the best and maximum time per week.