Now, WoW SoD Phase 2 is open, the level limit has been raised from level 25 to level 40. Officials have also opened multiple new dungeons across Azeroth for players to mettle against. These include instances of the Razorfen and Razor Hills in the Barrens, Uldaman in the Badlands, and the four-part Scarlet Monastery series in Tirisfal Glades. Both factions have lots of Scarlet Monastery quests in SoD. Perhaps because of the distance issue, there are obviously more quests that can be completed in Horde than in Alliance. After you done these quests, you may get some SOD Gold as rewards.
In World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, the Darkmoon Faire follows a rotating schedule, rotating between factions and locations.
If you are an Alliance player, Scarlet Monastery is difficult to reach. Because after receiving the Scarlet Monastery SoD Quests, many people will choose to go to SM around level 30 to complete the upgrade. For the Horde, this building complex is actually outside the Undercity, so the Scarlet Monastery Quests is more friendly to Horde players.
At all, no matter which faction you are, be sure to take on as many SM Quests as possible and buy WoW Classic SOD Gold a lot before jumping in to maximize efficiency.
World of Warcraft Exploration Season Scarlet Monastery SOD Quest Horde
Worrell’s Revenge
- QuestsPrerequisites: Level 25
- Questsstart location: Vorrel Sengutz, inside the cemetery wing of the Scarlet Monastery
- Questsrewards: Cloak of Sorrow, King Kong Cloak, Worrell Boots, 3300 XP, 150 Undercity Reputation
Knowledge test
- Questsprerequisites: Level 26, complete the seven-part Quests chain starting with Test of Faith in Thousand Needles
- Questsstart location: Parqual Fintallas, Undercity Pharmacy
- Questsreward: Stormhammer or Dancing Fire, 2100 XP, 75 Undercity Reputation
Summary of the Fallen
- QuestsPrerequisites: Level 28
- Questsstarting location: Sage and Prophet of Truth, located on the main platform of a building near the South Bridge of Spiritual Rise
- QuestsReward: Evil Protector, Force Stone Buckler, or Omega Orb, plus 3550 XP and 150 Thunder Bluff XP
Enthusiastic heart
- Questsprerequisites: Level 30, must complete Going, Going, Guano! First in Razorfen
- Questsstart location: Master Faranelle, the apothecary in the undercity apothecary.
- Questsreward: 3300 XP, 150 Undercity Reputation
Enter the Scarlet Monastery
- QuestsPrerequisite: Level 33
- Questsstart location: Varimathras near the Undercity of Sylvanas
- QuestsReward: Sword of Omens, Staff of Prophecy, or Dragon’s Blood Necklace, plus 5150 XP and 200 Undercity Reputation
World of Warcraft Exploration Season Scarlet Monastery SoD Quest Alliance
Titan Myth
- QuestsPrerequisites: Level 28
- The quest starts at: Libraryain Mae Paledust, in the Explorer’s Hall in Ironforge.
- Questsreward: Explorers Alliance Commendation, 3550 XP, 150 Ironforge XP
In the name of light
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 34, must complete the four-part quest line starting with Brother Anton in Stormwind Cathedral
- Questsstart location: Raleigh the Devout, Southshore
- QuestsReward: Serenity Sword, Bone Eater, Black Menace, or Orb of Lorica, plus 4700 XP and 200 Stormwind Reputation
If you have any anxiety about leveling up, you may wish to buy SOD boosting at to solve these problems that are currently bothering you.
In addition, WoW SoD Phase 2 also introduces the Blood Moon PVP event, which will bring players the best PVP experience and will also provide generous rewards for those who dare to risk their lives in STV. If you want to stand out in the Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale, you might as well learn about it.
Blood Moon Event Overview
Every 3 hours, the Blood Moon rises over Stranglethorn Vale for 30 minutes, turning the entire area into a dangerous free-for-all PvP battlefield for Horde and Alliance players.
Defeating an opponent will grant you the Blood for Blood God buff, which can be stacked up to 255 times. Each kill usually rewards around 5 health stacks. However, beware of the lifesteal debuff on death, which makes you temporarily immune but unable to cast spells or attack.
Visit the Blood Altar marked with a red flag on the map and exchange blood for the Blood God Stack at a rate of 1 Bronze Blood Coin per blood stack for Bronze Blood Coins, Silver Blood Coins, and Gold Blood Coins.
Be wary of Kadam, a powerful troll patrolling around the arena. Little is known about this servant of the Blood God, but it is wise to avoid confrontation.
Complete new Quests related to the Blood Moon event. While you won’t receive world buffs from this event, you can exchange Stranglethorn Timber for Silver Blood Coins at Mazin near the Gurubashi Arena, and redeem these currencies for prizes.
If you are in urgent need of WoW SoD Gold and do not have a stable source of gold income, IGGM is also your best choice. You can purchase any amount of gold from any server here, and the gold price here is updated in real time so that players can obtain sufficient gold at the best price. And there are currently promotions. Use the discount code “WATER” to get an additional 5% discount when you buy WoW SoD God!
Participate in battles, accumulate blood, and exchange it for valuable rewards to maintain your dominance in WOW SOD Phase 2!