If you are a student then you must have heard about Udemy. Udemy is a platform where many teachers and trainers give their education. For this, they sell their online course on this site. From whom many students have learned and are also learning. It comes to the mind of many students that the course on Udemy is so cheap. When students do that course on any other site or offline, it is very expensive. This gives a thought in the mind of the students too, are there not good teachers on Udemy who are giving their service. Because a good teacher would not want to give his education cheaply. All such thoughts keep running in the mind of the students. Because of which they hesitate to use Udemy. In today’s article, we will see what is the reason why all courses on Udemy are so cheap and what is the reason behind them. Let us know about the reasons why Udemy’s courses are so cheap. These reasons are as follows: –
1. Good income to the trainees and teachers
Udemy is famous all over the world, due to which many students are connected to this site. When a trainer sells or teaches his course on his site or offline, he does not have more students, due to which he has to pay more for the course fees. Udemy is full of students. If a teacher puts in his course, then thousands of students come to buy it. Which gives the teacher good income. This is why the teacher sells his course to Udemy at a considerable price. Even if sold at a low price, he gets good income from his course. This is the main reason due to which all courses on Udemy are quite cheap. Both students and teachers get very good benefit from Udemy. The teacher at Udemy does not have to work very hard to sell his course.
2. Udemy to give exemption
When a teacher sells his course on Udemy, Udemy takes a commission of 30 percent from him. After several times Udemy himself gives some amount of his commission as a discount to the students. So that students can buy more courses and increase the commissioning of Udemy. For this reason, many times students get their required courses at very cheap prices.
3. Completion of Education
Just as a lot of students are connected to Udemy, so many teachers are also connected with Udemy and they all want to sell their courses on Udemy fast, due to which they keep the course value very low, so that the students are their own take more interest in purchasing online courses. This competition of teachers is also a reason; due to which students get online courses at very cheap prices.
If you too are looking for an online course for yourself, then Udemy will be perfect for you. From this site you will get the required course at very cheap prices.