In today’s time, everyone wants to earn money by creating their website. This article is only for such people who want to earn money by creating their website. Many times people make a site or get a web build done. Even after that, they are unable to start earning from their site, the reason remains that they do not know how to promote the site. In this article, we will tell you about web promotion. There are some ways to promote any site which is as follows.
1. Site SEO
2. Site SMO
3. Google Ad sense
4. Ad sense on other search engines
1. Site SEO
In this process you have to make back links to your site which will make the search engine feel natural. For this, you can get your link on the site similar to the content of your site or you can buy a supported article for yourself on any good quality site. If you also want to buy a supported article for your site, then you can buy it on our site. For this, we charge only 10 dollars. The domain authority of our site is 30, which will help in giving good ranking to your site.
Therefore, when you start creating your site’s back link, your site starts ranking in Google and you get traffic similar to the content of your site which can earn you a lot of money.
2. Site SMO
In this process, you can share your site on your social media account. With this you will get good traffic on your site. But this type of traffic does not earn much. Because you forcefully bring such traffic to your site so that they do not take much interest in the content of your site.
3. Google Ad sense
In this process, through Google Keyword Planner for your site, you can get your site’s add on Google search engine. But this increases the promotion cost considerably and you are not able to earn more from your site.
4. Essence on other search engines
Just as you buy ads from Google, similarly search engines like Yahoo and Bing can also give you ads on your search engine. But even after taking ad from them, the cost of promotion increases considerably.
Therefore, if you want to promote your site in a low price, then you can use SEO for this, you can buy supported articles on our site. Our site will definitely be helpful in giving you a good rank in Google. The value of our supported post is also very low at only 10 dollars. If you want a site supported article with 30 domain authorities for your site then you can contact us on this email: [email protected].